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You don't know how much it touched me....

Hello, nikolaras777! I watched your video. Your reactions were so honest. Thank you for playing Don't Take This Risk. You made a wonderful recording.

appreciate it!


awesome game

(1 edit)

Thanks, kitty31353! :) Really appreciate you taking the time to leave your feedback here.


This is a very lovely game, I enjoyed it thoroughly. It clearly expresses the range of things that are capable of happening when someone is going through these things. I appreciate the effort put into this game and, I believe that it has the power to put out a great message.

I can't help but be curious, however? Does the lovely guy we're speaking to have a real name? I'm curious to know. If not, that's perfectly fine. ^^



Hello, Mondlicht! I really appreciate the kind words. The main guy does have a real name, but I plan on releasing that with the full version of Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces). That one is a fantasy, which will feature war themes (some of which can get pretty dark as well). I hope you look forward to it!

Deleted 6 years ago

I think what's the most unsatisfying part of this game is that almost every ending comes from telling the man you love him, and I think most people wouldn't go so far down that road with somebody if this ever happened to them. Sure they would say "I love you and think you're important" but they wouldn't actually go meet that person. My suspension of disbelief was shattered right there when you just went right to his house. Also the fact that he's the amorous French guy cliche, like couldn't he be German or Korean or even African? The French aren't any more inclined to romance than the rest of us.

When I played through the game the first time and got into a chat with the man and found out he likes poetry, that was way more investing and believable than the whole freaky/predatory house visit. That's not to say the depression of anyone like this isn't valid and worth writing stories about, but what mattered more to me was just the poor game design overall with there being so little choice in the "not in love" department. On the flip side, I got pretty annoyed with the fact that if you just don't accept his hug, he does a total 180 and kicks you out. Again, if someone was really looking for affection they wouldn't kick the one person who's open to speaking with them out just because they don't want them in their personal space. And possibly the most irritating thing was the music... why was it so much louder than the rest of the game?! I practically threw my headphones across the room when I got the first ending!!!

Fortunately there are plenty of games out there with depression and suicide as themes that are executed much better. My personal recommendations of games with depressed/suicidal characters are The Cat Lady, Imscared, LISA the Painful RPG, Presentable Liberty, The Beginner's Guide, Why Am I Dead At Sea, & Keep In Mind. Almost all of these games are in my top ten favorites list. Depression is such a common theme in games and I think that's fascinating and awesome but it isn't always done right. The same can be said of anything else, so, one bad egg is okay when you've got a whole coop of good eggs.


Have you played The Static Speaks My Name? It's another game about suicide, and insanity...


No I haven't. Thanks for the rec :) .

Deleted 6 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, p.rigo.

First, I do want to say that I have known two friends who have gone through depression and wanted to commit suicide. That said, I apologize if this game has offended anyone. It was never my aim to pass off the game as being informative or biographic, and I certainly don't mean to disrespect anyone going through this issue. This is a fictionalized and dramatized story. The horror lies in the player's powerlessness.

It's never my intention to use depression or suicide as a marketing tool. No cruelty or malice was used for this purpose. It is only a part of the story. If this game causes people to raise suicide awareness, then of course, that would be helpful, but as I said before, suicide only happens to be part of the story.

Depression and suicidal behavior vary from person to person. The events in this game is based off personal experience.

All the same, thank you for playing the game and offering your honest feedback. However, I can understand if it's not your cup of tea.

Deleted 6 years ago

I'm not able to download the game. My computer keeps saying that the file is a virus and automatically removing it and when I tried to get it back, my computer went crazy and I deleted it so quickly off my system.. but I saw so many YouTubers play this game and they have no virus so I'm very confused. Help? I really want to play this game.

Hello, KayBear166! I can assure you that the file isn't a virus, so let me see if we can't fix this problem. What's the name of your virus blocker? And are you able to go into the settings of it? If you could add the game to some kind of list of exclusions, it should work.

My virus blocker is call Norton Security Suite. And I could try and add it, but It might take me a while to do so because I've never done something like that before.

Ah, I've had that one before. I did a quick search online and found this:

"From the main page of NSS, select Settings > Antivirus > Scan & Risks tab and then under Items to Exclude from Auto-protect and Sonar Detection, click on the Configure(+) , then click on ADD and on the Add Item screen, click on the Folder and browse to the folder you desire to exclude, highlight it, Apply and OK out."

Please do let me know if that helps!


YAY! It worked! Thank you so much!


I've been trying to download this game cause it seems cool but it won't download. Please help!!

Hello, Anurupa24! Let me see what I can do. Hmm...does the download link on GameJolt work for you?

I can't download it there either :( it downloads 97% or something then suddenly stops. I use windows 7. I'd be grateful if you can fix this :

All right, I tried reuploading the game. Could you please try the download link again and let me know if it works for you?


(So I'm not actually supposed to have time for playing games, but when I saw this... I just couldn't resist!)

I liked it! It was really enjoyable. At first, I kept getting endings 1, 2, and 5, so I ended up using the walkthrough, hehe. I got all the endings! So good.

'Cool and alluring''s voice is so sexy, mmhmmm... hahaha.

And of course, the story was awesome. Gotta admit I was a little bit left hanging at the end tho. WHY WAS IT SO SHORT?! Hahaha.

Anyway, great job, as always!

Hi, Ran!

Aww, I'm so glad to hear you liked it. I would've loved to have made it longer, but it was for a game jam and the clock was ticking. Though, this is certainly a game I may want to revisit and expand on in the future...

Speaking of cool and alluring, I actually put up an interview with him recently. ;)

Thanks for making time to play this and letting me know what you think!


This game blew my mind. It felt very real; the voice actors really made the scenario believable! I'm sorry I couldn't pronounce the French texts though! Thank you for making this dark, but very important game! <3

Hello, Moface! I loved watching that video. It's such an honor to have been chosen for a let's play! I appreciate you taking the time to make it and comment with your thoughts. (And the voice actors definitely deserve every bit of praise you have for 'em.)

If you liked this game, I hope you'll look forward to our other ones! :)


OMG! Markiplier played your game! :D Congratulations! You all definitely deserved it:

Whoa, this was definitely unexpected! Thank you so much for letting us know, Moface, and we really appreciate the kind words. :)


Finally managed to save him after two tries. The timer really does a great job of tugging my feels in different directions. I'm glad I played this. XD I don't suppose the audio at the end of Ending 2 with the Cool & Alluring voice is ever going to be shared? (For those who didn't get to hear it, I highly suggest it! Delightfully creepy.)

Hi, MoonlitWind! I'm delighted to hear you enjoyed it - and that you managed to hear the special credit song in Ending 2. As for sharing it...hmm...well, if we can get our game in at least the top 10 of GameJolt's voting here, we'll definitely consider doing that. I'll even toss in a small animation of Don't Take This Risk's main guy. :)


I really do like where this is going, great voice acting (I still get a little sad when I hear "Fun & Charming" on ending 1) and the minimalist visuals really suits this well! It's too bad I can't seem to get any endings other than #1


Hello, severaleggs! Glad to hear you enjoyed it, as well as the voice acting. (The actors really delivered there!) If you're trying to get the other endings, here's the walkthrough for it.Let me know if it helps!

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