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Honestly, this is this game hits close to home. Its how i met my husband. He also isn't from around the US( He is Swedish) and he called me instead of Suicide hotline. I ended up meeting him and talked him out of putting a bullet in his head. Not the greatest first impression, but i wouldn't change him for the world. Now we live in Switzerland with 2 children. So this game was just impeccable. I loved it and got 8 of the 9 endings. So thank you.

I need help to download this game I would love to play it because it looks fun and I need help can someone tell me how to download and be able to play this game plz??

Hello, KawaiiGameBee! I'm happy to help.

Here's how you download and play it:

1) Click on the download button.

2) Click on the downloaded file. (You may need to double-click it.)

3) Extract the files. (You will need a zip extractor such as WinZip or 7-zip.)

4) Click on the extracted folder. It should be called something like "Don't_Take_This_Risk-1.0-all."

5) Click on "Don't_Take_This_Risk.exe."

6) When the game opens up, click to continue.

7) Click on "Pick Up."

In general, you click to make choices and continue the dialogue. You can also hold the 'ctrl' key to skip dialogue you have already seen.

If you have a Mac and the OS Sierra, you may need to do the following:

1) Right click on the game itself and click "Show Contents."

2) From there, go to the OS Sierra folder and click on the exec file of the game.

3) You may have to go to Security in the System Preferences to be able to open it. The Exec file will go through the Terminal process. It will take some time before the game officially opens.

If you run into any trouble or have any other questions, just let me know.

Words cannot describe how much I loved this game. It's very well made, congratulations!

Hey, this game was awesome! Its so different and exciting. And still about a very important subject. Can there be something like an update or version 2? The game totally deserves to continue with even a deeper story :)

(1 edit)

Hi, I've heard a lot of interesting things about this game and wanted to give it a try. Unfortunately I am on a mac and neither the link nor the game jolt link work. I understand that i need to click the exe file in order to play, but i get a popup that says "*****ERROR!***** You must install CXZ1112 Engine to run regedit.exe in this wrapper"

Please help!


Hello, BelleAgain! Let's see what I can do.

Please try the following:

1) Right click on the game itself and click "Show Contents."

2) From there, go to the OS Sierra folder and click on the exec file of the game.

3) You may have to go to Security in the System Preferences to be able to open it. The Exec file will go through the Terminal process. It will take some time before the game officially opens.

If this doesn't work, it may be that your antivirus software is trying to delete the game. If so, I would recommend adding it to your antivirus software's list of exclusions or disabling it while extracting the .zip file (and then running the exe).

Please let me know if any of this works for you!

Thank you so much, I was able to play the game and would like to commend you on the amazing job that you've done with this game! Hope to see some amazing things from you in the future.

(5 edits)

Wow. This game gets pretty deep and depressing. Pretty well made and lots of interesting ideas here. The voice acting is pretty good as well.

It's seems to me that there are a lot more bad endings and some of the "good" endings are not entirely good. Makes me feel that part of the point of the game is that these situations are not easy to deal with.

I made a video of my playthrough, didn't get quite all of the endings but at least I saved him a couple times:

Hi so I REALLY wanted to play this game but after I'm done downloading it a file just pops up that says "Don't_Take_This_Risk-1.0-all" and I don't know what else to do from there. This is the first game I've ever download and I feel like a utter noob. I've tried searching things up but it doesn't exactly help my situation. I'm really sorry for bothering you about this but can I get some help on what to do? Thank you!

Hello, royalate! Don't worry about it, I'm happy to help.

Here's what you do:

1) Click on the downloaded file, "Don't_Take_This_Risk-1.0-all." (You may need to double-click it.)

2) Extract the files. (You will need a zip extractor such as WinZip or 7-zip.)

3) Click on the extracted folder. It should be called something like "Don't_Take_This_Risk-1.0-all."

4) Click on "Don't_Take_This_Risk.exe."

5) When the game opens up, click to continue.

6) Click on "Pick Up."

In general, you click to make choices and continue the dialogue. You can also hold the 'ctrl' key to skip dialogue you have already seen.

If you have any further trouble, please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

I tried playing this game, but its saying the .exe file is missing.

That happened to me too- I deleted it and re-downloaded it, then opened it in desktop (not windows 8 or 7 zip) by extracting the main file you first get, then clicking it once I moved it to the 'desktop' file on 'my PC'. Worked for me, hope this helps?

(1 edit)

Hi, AnnasGaming.

If emzcat's suggestion doesn't work, it may be your antivirus software trying to delete the game. I would recommend adding it to your antivirus software's list of exclusions or disabling it while extracting the .zip file (and then running the exe). Please let me know if it works for you!

Just like the rest of your commenters who decided to create an account for this site to voice out their experience about this game, I'll be jumping in the bandwagon as well. If it weren't really for Markiplier I wouldn't have discovered this game, I'm glad he decided to make a Let's Play out of this. It intrigued me enough to download it, I wanted to see the other endings for myself.

Now, I know—originally, I was expecting this game to encourage awareness about suicide, yes? And the practice of preventing it, or so I thought it was. Upon playing this, I noticed there's a hint of romance towards the player and the main character and like, the only way to prevent this guy from dying is to visit him at his place – I think I get the idea, you're going for something downright creepy, if not—to spook the player with your character's interaction by trapping the player to a place she's seeing for the first time? That level of uneasiness, I can see where this is going. (I've skimmed through your collection and you specialize in horror games, this definitely gives a player a scare.)

But for me, it was more thrilling than scary—again, I don't know what you're going for exactly with your characterization but I loved it. I love the fact the MC was eager and excited to meet his new companion, the danger in his voice, you know- the whole eerie energy coming out of it. You managed to hit that kind of strange, charismatic aura--- it's something that really captivates me, a female player. I think this game would be very popular to the female audience, yes – given that you stayed with making it clear the main character refers to the player as mademoiselle, kitten, darling – that pet name factor definitely plays a part in making the person playing the game blush, or like markiplier's reaction – creeped out. This is a good thing, you manage to really drive the audience with different reactions.

Can I just suggest something? Might you consider prologining this game? Although, that's not my best advice. This alone, the art style is amazing – I like how there's a manga-esque vibe to it, the screentone gives the character's arttexture! I love that, I love the animation, it's the perfect kind of jagged fluidity that unsettles the player. This is a good game, overall. Did you put some thought on the soundtrack? I love the songs you picked for this, absolutely stunning. Yeah, second thoughts: live this game be. It's perfect.

You're very mindful with choosing the accent. The MC is alluring, it draws me in. I like that but now, I really do hope for more of this. It's like – since the game is very short, it left me high and dry. Main reason why I am commenting is that, I fell in love with the main character, no shame in saying that? He charmed me, indeed. I absolutely adore the perfect blend of romance and danger he brings out. Interactive/otome games, don't have this kind of spice and thrill, this feels a lot like a romantic route with a horror factor. I hope (and advise) for you to come up with more games like these. It really throws the cliché simulations to the trash.

I think that if you continue making dark, romance-driven, horror interactive games, it would create history. I wish for this game to blow up. All the love and support to you!


Interesting concept; I tried it after starting to watch Markiplier's video, and wanting to play it for myself before finishing watching how his playthroughs turned out. I have to say, however, that after putting in the time to try to find every ending and line of dialogue (because I'm a bit of an obsessive completionist), I'm disappointed with how little any of your choices in the main conversation seem to actually matter. Of course, that seems like it could be a sort of moral of a story themed around suicidal thoughts, that sometimes there just really is no right thing for you to say, nothing you can do to help someone who isn't ready to accept help (although that seems like a rather non-constructive message compared to, say, a game that might take inspiration from the conversational techniques employed by actual suicide prevention hotline attendants in terms of what does and doesn't help the caller to hang in there and seek help, and actually sort of train the players to be better prepared to help out a suicidal individual if they should ever meet one. That's what I was expecting this game to be, and my disappointment with it isn't so much because it's bad as because it seems like it could've been so much better and more important if it had been that. Maybe you could try an approach closer to that in the future, if you were interested.). But there's also the fact that your conversation path can seem to leave him in a variety of different degrees of optimism, cheerfulness, and determination to live (with several endings explicitly saying he won't hurt himself or has decided not to do anything hasty, and others leaving with him ruminating on how the world will be better off without him), yet they all lead to the same "bystander" ending if you don't start texting with him, and the exact same texting conversation if you do (save a few minor changes if you told him you loved him but wouldn't go to see him). Almost all the variation in endings was within the weird visit to his apartment which, while interesting, made absolutely no sense for the player to go through for a stranger they'd never met (and is bad advice for players trying to consider how they would deal with an actual call from someone suicidal), especially the "love" endings (unless it was a sort of Undertale-esque satire of players' tendency to do everything possible to try to get a good ending and/or see everything the game has to offer even if it leads them to extreme or unorthodox behavior; I sort of got that vibe and it was kind of interesting, but it didn't feel explored well and I'm not sure if it was intentional). It's also very conspicuous, as others have noted and especially considering the way ending 1 seems to imply you should be trying to find out his address, that after you say you'll visit and he gives you his address (the only way to learn it) you have no option to give it to the police or suicide prevention instead of just marching down there yourself. If this game were ever to be revised/expanded, I'd like to see at least a couple different endings and/or text conversations based on your phone dialogue choices. Also, it was weird how much the guy seemed like three totally different personalities by phone, by text, and in person; and he didn't sound drunk or high on the phone, so he must have downed his stuff pretty quickly as soon as he hung up to be that messed up by the time he's texting you (unless there's an implied time gap in between).

I probably sounded very critical with all that, but I hope it was constructive, and I hope I'm clear that it's only because I think there's a lot of potential to this concept that I'm wishing it was better and have spent a while thinking and writing about what critiques I have. The voice acting was great, and the apartment visit had a splendidly creepy atmosphere, yet I think Mr. Nobody remained mostly sympathetic by virtue of the fact that he never actually attacks you or forces himself upon you, no matter what you do to him or how threatening he might seem, which is tremendously valuable for maintaining the apparent tragedy of his situation. It was also interesting the way that, although you could only get a little bit of his character from a single playthrough, you could put together an interesting picture out of exploring the different dialogue branches; for instance, he implies in several routes that he's a killer, but exploration lets you infer that he's specifically killed for money in order to get out of debt.

Finally, and unrelated to comments about the game itself, I notice a number of other users commenting about issues getting the game to run; I had a lot of trouble myself with my antivirus software (Norton Security Suite) repeatedly trying to delete the game with overprotective paranoia, despite my attempts to restore and exclude it (I ultimately had to temporarily disable my whole antivirus protection while I started the game up!). Perhaps some others, even with other antivirus, are having similar issues. I think these kind of tiny indie games can trip false alarms on antivirus software easily, probably owing to being unusual files with little established history of other users using them safely, although that should diminish as the file ages and more people download it. In the meantime, it might help to make the general recommendation for users to try disabling their antivirus software while extracting the .zip file and running the .exe if they're having trouble getting the game to run.

hey very in depth, i would never be able to talk about something for that amount of time without repeating myself. :)

i made this account just to comment on this game. i gotta say, i love the character you came up with! he's so charming, and interesting, there's nothing about this game that makes me dislike it. it sends a strong message, and story. it poses a good question, at what point do you cross the line of helping others? when it puts you in harms way? i watched Markiplier play it, and i was so interested by the character that i just had to tell you.

the only thing i'd try to update would be the choppy lipsync and eye-closing animation. if a ref is needed, i'm an animator myself, and would be happy to give lipsync references!

but back to the character and story. it inspired me to create a new character of my own, his name's Emilio, which is a french name meaning "Eager", if i'm correct. if i'm not, please correct me. he's too optimistic and happy whenever a girl says that she's interested in hanging out with him but he's no Romeo, like your character.

i've been rambling on for far too long. to sum it up, i love the game, i'm basically in love with the character (i'd also like to put a name to that mysterious face), and i hope your future games are just as prosperous and good as this one!

i cant download it but i really would like to play it. The premise seems clean as a whistle.

Hi, nerdpremise111!

I've reuploaded the game, so if you can, please let me know if it the download link works for you. Here's an alternative download link, too.

(1 edit) (+1)

I have tried opening this game on a Windows system, but I can't open it from a file. Can someone please help me with this? Thank you.

Hi, Cancerette22.

Here's what should work:

1) Click on the download button.

2) Click on the downloaded file. (You may need to double-click it.)

3) Extract the files. (You will need a zip extractor such as WinZip or 7-zip.)

4) Click on the extracted folder. It should be called something like "Don't_Take_This_Risk-1.0-all."

5) Click on "Don't_Take_This_Risk.exe."

6) When the game opens up, click to continue.

7) Click on "Pick Up."

Please let me know if this works for you!


I have tried opening this game but cant can someone help. don't know how to open from a file.

Hello, caitlindeland!

Here's what you do:

1) Click on the download button.

2) Click on the downloaded file. (You may need to double-click it.)

3) Extract the files. (You will need a zip extractor such as WinZip or 7-zip.)

4) Click on the extracted folder. It should be called something like "Don't_Take_This_Risk-1.0-all."

5) Click on "Don't_Take_This_Risk.exe."

6) When the game opens up, click to continue.

7) Click on "Pick Up."

Please let me know if this works for you!

Have you though of making this an app? It has a good format for it :) I only have a chromebook, but I play this on my friends pc and this is a great game.

Hello, Odin_Arr0w! I'm delighted to hear it.

I actually do have plans for turning this into an app, so please do look forward to it. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

How do I download this on a Mac - I've tried a couple times but the application opens for a split second then closes, can anyone help me?

I also had that issue with another game call sara is missing. It would only open fore 1 second before closing.I was never able to fix it but I told the developers and im hoping that in the next update the issue has been resolved

But I see this game has a new update and maybe in this update the problem has been fixed and will now work for you.

Hello again, pazzamelia!

All right, I finally got to the root of the problem thanks to yawarahayashi. It's basically the OS Sierra that's causing the issue. This is how to make it run:

1) Right click on the game itself and click "Show Contents."

2) From there, go to the OS Sierra folder and click on the exec file of the game.

3) You may have to go to Security in the System Preferences to be able to open it. The Exec file will go through the Terminal process. It will take some time before the game officially opens.

Please do let me know if this works for you!


The game is absolutely amazing I enjoyed it and every ending was amazingly done the voice actors did an amazing job they all have such sweet voices I keep playing it over and over again just to hear the voice acting I only wish that the game could be longer yall did such an amazing job👍

Hi, Princecal! Thank you so much. Hearing that really means a lot to us. I hope you look forward to our future games! (Beauty and the War in particular - the main guy from this game will be in it.)


Hello, I just want to comment how I feel about the guy, when I met him he can be creepy but at the same time hot and quite charming...HOW!? But it is a good game overall :)


also i would like to add that i might have a crush on him :x

Hi, Merbax!

Thanks, I'm glad to hear it. If you're interested in the character, please do keep an eye out for our next project, Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces). He'll be in it.

I downloaded it and the sound just doesnt work? I removed it from my computer and it still doesn't work.

Hello, Viirux! Hmm...let's see. I would suggest redownloading the game or trying the download link at GameJolt. Please let me know if either solution works for you!

I did both, but I dont know if its a problem with my computer or not? I can hear every other application and program but it doesnt show up in my volume mixer, I even tried changing where the sound comes from ( my headphones, speakers, etc. ) and nothing seems to be working.

My apologies for the delay. It's the holidays!

That said...hmm, are you using Windows or a Mac?


I downloaded this game after I watched Markiplier play it. I mostly wanted the practice downloading game files as I'm new to computers. But I must say, I enjoyed this game immensely. I've had it for three days now and I'm still figuring out all the twists and turns you can take. It's so cool how you combined suicide and anime dating games and the concoction is wonderfully horrific. I think about it when I go to bed and imagine what it must be like to have a dude bite off his own tongue underneath you!

2 questions: what's the song at the end where he shoots himself? And can I write a fanfic of this? if posted I would give you credit.

I will definitely vote for this game.

Hello, Orthoprax! Aww, I'm happy the game managed to leave us an impression on you. As for the answers to your questions...

1) The song at the end is Nightmare by the amazing Dekron & Eyedropper.

2) You certainly can write fanfiction for this! (Just as long as it doesn't promote any hateful messages.) If you decide to write one, please do let me know. I would be happy to read it.

Ah, I do believe the voting is over by not, but we really appreciate the support! I hope you'll continue to look forward to our other games. :)

Of course! Thank you so much! I will check out your other games. Shame I missed the voting, though.


I first heard about this game when I was scrolling through Markiplier's videos. Having dealt with depression and suicidal thoughts, I was kinda curious how this game would approach this topic. I fell in love with this game as I watched it and downloaded it right away to play for myself.

I'm currently in the middle of writing a story loosely based on this game (though, I suppose it falls under the category of fanfiction). I don't plan on publishing it anywhere, but because of the limited options, I wanted to write how I would have dealt with the situation (kinda) had I been given more freedom.

Though I haven't decided how it's going to end (seeing as I'm still writing it), all of the endings in the game are so interesting, and I would hope for a happier ending for the protagonist and for the... victim? (I don't know what he'd be categorized as. I just call him Sasha.) But I'm hoping, despite my attempt to make things... lighter... that I keep some of the feeling of this game for my story.

If you'd like to read it, I'll happily send a copy! :D Or put it up... somewhere... I dunno. With your permission of course.


Side note, the art style reminds me a lot of the manga Demon Diary. I think there is even a character that looks like Sasha (which is what I'm calling the caller.) It really suits the feel of the game though.

(1 edit)

Hello, MarySunshine23! I would absolutely like to read it. It's an honor if the game was able to inspire you at all. Whenever you finish it, please feel free to e-mail us it at poisonappletales(at)gmail(dot)com. We'll happily look forward to it.

Oh, and I've never heard of Demon Diary before, but if I've nailed the manga art style, then I will certainly take that as a compliment. :)


I sent you the fanfiction. Unfortunately, it didn't come out as well as I would have liked. ;_; I'm writing kind of a sequel for my own amusement, 'cause why not. I look forward to hearing what you think of the first one that I wrote, and I hope you enjoy it!

I already e-mailed you my response, but I just want to repeat that I really enjoyed it! If you finish the sequel, I hope I get a chance to read that one, too. Thank you again for showing me your amazing fanfic.

how do I play

Hello, baby kitty! Here are directions for how to play:

1) Click on the extracted zip file. (You may need to double-click it.)

2) Extract the files. (You will need a zip extractor such as WinZip or 7-zip.)

3) Click on the extracted folder. It should be called something like "Don't_Take_This_Risk-1.0-all."

4) Click on "Don't_Take_This_Risk.exe."

5) When the game opens up, click to continue.

6) Click on "Pick Up."

In general, you click to make choices and continue the dialogue. You can also hold the 'ctrl' key to skip dialogue you have already seen.

If you're still confused by anything, please do let me know.


Hey)) Well I know I should be ashamed of myself for saying it, because suicide theme blah-blah, but I actually had a lot of fun with this game :) Let me start from the beginning, at first I didn't really want to play it, cause of my suicidal past, whatever. Then I quickly scrolled it, got «Out of the Breath» ending and was like «Meh, well made but pretty ordinary game». BUT THEN! After noticing that it got a lot of nice reviews I decided to give that game another chance and see what is the big deal about it. And I so much enjoyed it. The whole game is a cocktail of angst, tragedy, cuteness, sexiness? and creepiness xD And although those «speaking on the phone» routes are so «true», «heartbreaking», «full of emotions», I liked routes at our guy's house SO MUCH MORE. Also HOW THE HELL it's the same freaking man? Cause while speaking on the phone with him I imagined him really sweet, caring, shy, BUT WHEN I FINALLY MET HIM! Gosh, he gave me the creeps! Also all those talks about «I can be a murderer» got me wondering… IS HE REALLY?! Why exactly he wanted to kill himself so bad? Why everyone around him died? Anyway, I had a nice time playing your game, had a real rollercoaster of emotions while doing so, couldn't stop until I found all the endings :) So thanks for making this game)) Really. It's really nice.

Hi, Rainby! The team watched your video, and we loved it. You had an awesome presence, and it was fun to watch. We're glad that the game was able to offer you such a great experience. If you're curious about this character, please do keep an eye out for Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces). He'll have a proper name (and face) there. ;)


Hello, and I'm glad you liked my lets play ^_^ That's COOL :) And I think I'll definitely will. Because I'm really curious to know more about that character and his background story))

I want to play this game but it won't (for some odd reason) let me download it. I'm using a mac desktop, could anyone help me? By the way the game looks great from some let's plays that I've seen, I just wanna play it for myself! Halp.

Hello, CliqueIT! I reuploaded the game. Do you think you could try the download again and let me know if it works for you? Otherwise, I would recommend trying the GameJolt link. If neither works, just tell me and I'll see if I can't find another solution.

Yeah, neither work. It fails to download, and not too long ago I downloaded some other game and it was up and running, no problem. Hopefully you can fix this problem becuase I look foward to play to play this game! :D

Okay, I finally got to the root of the problem thanks to yawarahayashi. It's basically the OS Sierra that's causing the issue. This is how to make it run:

1) Right click on the game itself and click "Show Contents."

2) From there, go to the OS Sierra folder and click on the exec file of the game.

3) You may have to go to Security in the System Preferences to be able to open it. The Exec file will go through the Terminal process. It will take some time before the game officially opens.

Please do let me know if this works for you!


This was greater than my expectations, which rarely happen! The team did a really good job and produced a marvelous piece

Thanks, AshTheCreator! We really appreciate the kind words, and we're thrilled to hear it surpassed your expectations. Thanks for commenting, and we hope you'll continue to look forward to our next games!


I love this game so much for no reason

Hello, Feat_Yuzuki! I'm happy to hear it. :) In that case, I hope you'll enjoy our future games.


haven't played it yet but i think it will be fun

Thanks, ethan.podmore! Hope it lives up to your expectations. :)

it did, very well done on this, good luck on any other games you might make. :)


great game ... even on the premise of it it still has the whole ring of truth and can really make u feel for the charecter

Hi, Toro_Chizura! Thank you so much for making time to let me know. If you have any more feedback, feel free to tell me! I hope you'll continue to look forward to our future projects.

Five hours still on 0 percent

I WANT TO PLAY THIS it sounds like an interesting game hmmm ... the guy is a CREEPY MOTHER POOPER

I can't install it . Itdoesn't let me

(1 edit)

Hello, aparri! Hmm...that's strange. It's possible that's server is overloaded. Now, I've reuploaded the game. Could you try the download link again? If not, I recommend trying the GameJolt link here. Please let me know if either one works for you!

I downloaded the game, extracted it and that's it =( How do I open it? I have windows 8 if this helps...

Hi, Schnupfenbazillus! Fortunately, I have Windows 8, too. All right, so after extracting it, please click on the folder. It should be called something like "Don't_Take_This_Risk-1.0-all." Then, click on "Don't_Take_This_Risk.exe." Please let me know if that works for you!

Many thanks! It worked. Somehow I want to know more about this guy. His name, his backstory...

I'm glad you interested in him! If you want to learn more about him, please do keep an eye out for our next project: Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces). He'll be in it.

It wouldnt let me download on here and on poisonapple have windows and i'm very upset about this :')

Aww, well, let me see if I can't help you, Sirfluffybuns12. I reuploaded the game. Does the download work for you now? If it doesn't, I would recommend trying the GameJolt download link. If that doesn't work either, please let me know.


This game is a wonderful masterpiece. When I played my heart fell hard for the young man. For I was once in his shoes.

Depression is hard to live with and suicide is a thought that never truly leaves. I to once tried to call a hotline and ended up calling a new friend by mistake. So desperate just to have someone show love and show that I had a purpose; that I was needed. When you feel like this you can do scary and crazy things.

I always got the loving endings because I could see myself in him and all I want to do was hold him.

The voice acting was wonderful. The french made both me and my guy friend weak. Like swooning, giggling high school girls.

If your other game that your working on is anything like how wonderful this game was then I can't wait to play it.

Thank you for this wonderful experience.

P.s He can call me his kitty of Noel. Since that is my last name Lol.

Hello, Neko1Noel3! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and let me know. I'll do my best to make sure my next game lives up to your expectations!


The game was ABSOLUTELY amazing. I kept playing it over and over. It's good that you out the suicide hotline number... I finally could help my friend, she doesn't have any suicidal thought now... Thank you for developing this game. Thank you so much.

Hello, Ayesha! Oh, I'm so happy that you were able to help your friend. It's truly an honor to be of assistance. I really appreciate your honesty. If you have any more feedback, feel free to let me know. :)

I tried to get this game to work but I can't I want to play it though looks super ama

Hi, Choskins! Let me see if I can help. Are you able to download it on GameJolt here? If not, are you using a windows or a mac?


I have a Mac and can't seem to get the game to open :( It looks fantastic though!! Such a deep story. 2 minutes into Markiplier's video and I really want to play it myself

Hello, therealmc! Hmm...are you able to download it on GameJolt here?

Hi! I'm having the same problem :( I downloaded it here.

All right, I reuploaded the game. Please try the download again and let me know if it works for you! Otherwise, I might suggest trying the GameJolt download if you haven't yet.

I can't open it either, I had to allow it in my security preferences and it just opens and closes - any way you could make it into an installable .dmg file?

(3 edits) (+1)

I didn't expected it to be this way. I mean, I really liked it, I just thouthg it was going to be more like a suicidal experience.

I also am REALLY curious about the lovely stranger... I was watching the Markiplier video of this game, but when he finished the first ending I quitted the video 'cause I knew I HAD to play it myself. <3

ANYWAYS I loved this game (also, 'Cool and alluring' <u<)

(1 edit)

Hello, Nana! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it and that the main character piqued your interest. (On a side note, this interview with Mr. Cool and Alluring might interest you.)

Thanks for the taking the time to comment with your thoughts.

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